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Future Leaders Lunch

Future Leaders Lunch

A networking event for under 30s’ Future Leaders

120 young executives (under 30s) will be nominated by their boss to attend Dublin’s only Future Leaders Networking Lunch. . Apart from a networking round table lunch, there will be a Q and A with

  • Debbie Byrne - Managing Director, An Post

  • Jason Ward , VP & MD Northern Europe, Dell Technologies

We will be inviting organisational leaders to nominate two worthy young executives from your team to attend.

 (By invitation only)

Please note: All events subject to change. Attendance to all in person events is in line with places allocated with membership plan. Places allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Unlimited attendance for live webinar events.

25 March

Meet The Grocer - Applegreen

3 April

Peak Performance-Managing Stress for Improved Executive Brain Power